Sunday, January 1, 2012

Girls and Sports

When it comes to sports, I am the most girliest girl you can find. I am like old school Betty Crocker housewife- he watches his sports and I'll do my girly things. I am glad however the young women of my generation have evolved past that 60's mentality... I however remain stuck. It's a shame really seeing as I've grown around sports all my life. ALL of the men in my family make it an event, any boyfriend I ever had practically live, sweat, and breathe it, one of my family members actually made a career of it! Maybe it's just because I never grasped the damn concept of sports, so I never took the time to understand it. My best friend is basically a tom boy and all her family is extremely competitive in sports, and guess what...I'm almost around them 24/7, still nothing's rubbed off on me. It sucks I can never be apart of the uproar and statistics' debates of the players but I have NO clue where to begin on how to learn. Is it true what they say...that the best way to a man's heart is through food and sports? I guess I got half the package, but screw that damnit I want to be the full package? Alright where do you start people, how does one learn the rules and concept of basketball, football, or any other of these torchurable past-times?


  1. Just sit down with him the next time he is watching one and ask questions. That's how I learned. I love football and basketball. Once you understand it so will you.

  2. I try to understand like I really sit infront of the the TV and watch the game and I have absolutely no clue what's going or any interest in it whatsoever it looks literally so BORING to me! I don't know maybe if I could grasp the concept, but even then I will never get it lol.
